Aude, Lieke en Lisa beschrijven hun motivatie om deze video’s te maken als volgt:
We are Aude, Lieke and Lisa. We are all finishing our master’s degree in Physics and Astronomy at the University of Amsterdam. During our studies, we noticed the scarcity of female professors. Convinced that this near absence of role models has an impact on the number of girls who choose to study physics or continue in academia after their studies, we wanted to act, and highlight the work of some amazing female researchers.
We offer a series of four videos to raise the issue of gender diversity in physics through scientifically interesting and useful content for any student. We interviewed Alejandra Castro, former member of the String Theory group; Anna Watts, Professor of Astrophysics, and Arghavan Safavi-Naini, who works on quantum simulators, about their fascinating research and their views on gender diversity in the academic world. Also, to give a different perspective on diversity and inclusion, we interviewed Astrid Zuurbier, coordinator for diversity, inclusion and equality in science policy at the NWO.
Je kunt de vier mooie en interessante video’s hieronder bekijken: